Originally published by the South Coast Register

Social interaction is a luxury many of us take for granted. For older generations, who find themselves living alone, a day of socialising can make their entire month and that’s what the ‘Wheels to Meals’ initiative aims to achieve.

Many generous locations from across the Shoalhaven have been offering discounted lunches to the Nowra Bomaderry Meals on Wheels clientele.

March 16 was a super successful outing for the MOW team as they visited Matthew Fleming’s Community Hub in Berry Street, Nowra. A delicious discounted feast was efficiently laid out for the 19 clients who attended the day.

They all just chat and chat and chat and it’s just really lovely – Yadida Sekel

These outings not only provide a delicious meal for the group, they enable essential social interaction for the members which many of them struggle to at times get throughout their daily lives.

Nowra Bomaderry Wheels to Meals Coordinator, Yadida Sekel said the socialising was great on the day and you could see the joy many of them had chatting to one another.

“They all just chat and chat and chat and it’s just really lovely,” she said.

Read full article on the South Coast Register website

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